Archive for January, 2006

Hahnenkamm is finsihed!

January 23rd, 2006

It’s been an incredible excititing, tough and close race. There were literally legions of people trying to beat the best, a lot more than in Wengen.

So even our top racers had some hard times to get it going. This time we also had some real last minute fights, incredible spirit, although most of you already have more than enough time of ski-challenge in their legs.

JoAce beat me by just 0.002 secs and crossed the finish line at approx. 0:00, that was close. Beniator and Ferrocolor had a head to head race in the last hours of the race. Ferrocolor managed to bypass Beniator and than also ludwigma, putting him into a very good 5th position. But this time Beniator did not wait til it’s over, but rather had an incredible run finishing just 0.017 secs before Ferrocolor and 0.099 secs before ludwigma. Congratulations!

Also the rest of the pack had some unbelievable improvemts over their qualification times. All within 3 tenths from place 8 to 11 in that order: Chrisu1201, Robinio, DrPhlox and JoergX. Guenni_Fast also improved on his qualification time and got in 0.1secs faster. Just before Vorlaeufer, PP80 and our last minute rider Kuemmelbaron.

We had a lot of fun, the final standings will be announced soon, and we’ll have a special ranking for your driver quality. There we’ll put the km droven into account and divide the total race time by the droven km. So the highest score there directly tells us the driver’s qualification.

So stay tuned for that.

Club rankings recalculated…

January 19th, 2006

Seems like Greentube has done the recalculations for the club rankings, taking the drivers who changed club into account.

This results in some improvement of our overall ranking (we were Nr. 32 in Bormio now).

So I decided to keep to different rankings, the old ranking which only includes the results taken after the race (excluding drivers who joined later) and the new ranking based on the results shown in the current club ranking on the SC pages.

Nr.  Name           ClubPoints
Nr.  Name           ClubPoints (alt / neukalkulation)
1.   RandomLogic    39     35
9.   schurli86      6      32
2.   JoAce          31     27
3.   HerbNator      27     24
4.   ludwigma       23     20
5.   Beniator       13     11
6.   DrPhlox        12     10
6.   JoergX         12      9
8.   ElGrecco       7       5
8.   Ferrocolor     7       5
11.  Richard        2       2
10.  Vorläufer99    2       2
10.  PP80           2       1
11.  spenderniere   1       0
11.  Guenni_Fast    1       0

It seems like the new calculations create some additional competition *hehe*

Final Standings Wengen… Clubranking 44!

January 16th, 2006

We had a tough race race in Wengen, some of our top racers did not start or failed to keep the pace on the icy conditions. But nontheless we again improved and made it into the TOP45 clubs, with our final rank as number 44!

Pos  Name         Time        SC-Rank ClubPoints
1.   RandomLogic  2:44.534    246     13
2.   HerbNator    2:44.673    305     11
3.   JoAce        2:45.264    786     9
4.   ludwigma     2:45.841    1699    7
5.   schurli86    2:46.372    2935    6
6.   Ferrocolor   2:47.105    5302    5
7.   Beniator     2:47.299    6037    4
8.   JoergX       2:47.315    6105    3
9.   Vorläufer99  2:48.009    9159    2
10.  DrPhlox      2:49.812    17997   1

See yourself: Wengen Race Standings, Club Standings

We had some good results early in the race, but had some hard time to improve on it. RandomLogic and JoAce set the first good times, But these were crushed by an excelent run of HerbNator with our clubs first 2:44 time. So I took the lead back after a saterday evening race session with just a 0.06 sec advance and managed to improve by antoher tenth to the final 2:44.5 time just 15min before the race ended on sunday.

ludiwgma joined in late but still managed to get in before schurli86. Ferrocolor, Beniator and Joergx had a fantastic competition, but finally in the last hours of the race Ferrocolor decided in favour of him. Vorlaeufer99, DrPhlox, Robinio and PP80 had some hard times to get into the pace on Wengen but hopefully are back for Kitzbuühl.

So here the current Club-Worlcup standings after Wengen:

Nr.  Name           ClubPoints
1.   RandomLogic    39
2.   JoAce          31
3.   HerbNator      27
4.   ludwigma       23
5.   Beniator       13 
6.   JoergX         12 
6.   DrPhlox        12 
8.   ElGrecco       7
8.   Ferrocolor     7  
9.   schurli86      6  (new)
10.  PP80           2
10.  Vorläufer99    2
11.  spenderniere   1
11.  Guenni_Fast    1

Thanks to all starters for this hard but exciting race.

Qualification for Kitzbühl started with a strong lead of JoAce, so he is probably our top racer. Join in, let’s get that competition going. We have again set our target ranking to be in the TOP30!

Wengen now open!

January 13th, 2006

Qualification ended, for some in frustration, for some in absolut excitement. HerbNator although joining in late took the 2nd place in qualification after he received some tips for some of the important parts of the track, getting in only 0.03 second behind me.

ludwigma, JoAce, schurli and Richard matched for the third place. But also the FerroColor, Beniator and the others had some good fights, which finally Ferrocolor being the best there.

But now, the race in Wengen is OPEN!

I took the Lead with a late-night racing session with a low 2:45 time, followed now by HerbNator and JoAce, both just starting to get used to the conditions.

Yes, it’s ice, a lot of ice. The track feels very different compared to sun, you have to be absolutely precise in every turn.

Get in low, make direction, stand up and take the turn, and then back into racing postition, maybe correct the turn slightly for the next turn.

I found some parts of the track rather difficult, and have now identified the parts where I’m losing most of my time. It’s the long right turn after Hundschopf, Brüggli-S is ok now, and then after the long and fast Hannegg-Schuss the strange left-turn, strong ripples and a turn right with a huge jump, I’m loosing a lot of speed there (up to 1,5 seconds to the finish). Maybe you had a little more luck in that part, just tell me!

A lot of racers already started to set there first time, and it’s looking fine so far. We still try to reach our goal now, TOP30. Join in, take the long and bumby ride with us. I’m sure we can make it!

A new logo has arrived…

January 8th, 2006

With a lot of creative power and motiviation JoAce took the time to create a new logo, designed from scratch! Thanks a lot!
I vectorzied the logo into an svg file using inkscape, so we have now all the vector goodness we need to nail out the final details.

It’s already our logo on our club page, and here in it’s full beauty and size:
2 Fast 2 Furios - Logo

Feedback is of course more than welcome, simply drop us a mail or comment here!

By the way, HerbNator took the chance to get into second place throughout the day, so more competition is heating up.

Wengen qualification standings…

January 8th, 2006

Wengen is hard. Not so for HerbNator as it seems. After 2 hours of racing he made it into the Top 3. We have now a quite decent pack of top racers (5 now).
So we are now in the Top50 in the club qualification for Wengen. Very Good!

RandomLogic still has the lead, some 8 tenths before ludwigma, who had a very good ride yesterday. JoAce and HerbNator are only seperated by 0.001 secs, and schurli86 is also only some more tenths behind.

JoAce still has some hardware problems, so he is not able to race on his own pc, but we definitly find a solution for the race, as he is one of our strongest contenders.
Our newest member Richie also hust waits for another good run to make it into the top 5 of our club.

Hope that will allow us to finally reach our set goal to achieve a TOP30 rank for the Wengen race! Keep on going, we can do it, just do it!

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