Club rankings recalculated…
Random January 19th, 2006
Seems like Greentube has done the recalculations for the club rankings, taking the drivers who changed club into account.
This results in some improvement of our overall ranking (we were Nr. 32 in Bormio now).
So I decided to keep to different rankings, the old ranking which only includes the results taken after the race (excluding drivers who joined later) and the new ranking based on the results shown in the current club ranking on the SC pages.
Nr. Name ClubPoints Nr. Name ClubPoints (alt / neukalkulation) 1. RandomLogic 39 35 9. schurli86 6 32 2. JoAce 31 27 3. HerbNator 27 24 4. ludwigma 23 20 5. Beniator 13 11 6. DrPhlox 12 10 6. JoergX 12 9 8. ElGrecco 7 5 8. Ferrocolor 7 5 11. Richard 2 2 10. Vorläufer99 2 2 10. PP80 2 1 11. spenderniere 1 0 11. Guenni_Fast 1 0
It seems like the new calculations create some additional competition *hehe*
- Category: Events & Sports S-Tags: Gaming, Ski Challenge
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