A new logo has arrived…

January 8th, 2006

With a lot of creative power and motiviation JoAce took the time to create a new logo, designed from scratch! Thanks a lot!
I vectorzied the logo into an svg file using inkscape, so we have now all the vector goodness we need to nail out the final details.

It’s already our logo on our club page, and here in it’s full beauty and size:
2 Fast 2 Furios - Logo

Feedback is of course more than welcome, simply drop us a mail or comment here!

By the way, HerbNator took the chance to get into second place throughout the day, so more competition is heating up.

3 Responses to “A new logo has arrived…”

  1. Jesteron 12 Jan 2006 at 13:02

    Nice Logo! Well done! Although the color transitions are pretty rough due to the vectorization

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