Bringing logging to Moose with MooseX::Log::Log4perl
Random July 13th, 2008
Finally after some playing around and discovering the main concepts behind moose and failing to find a logging role using my favorite logging system log4perl I sat down an did a little coding (it is really just a few lines) and uploaded to CPAN as MooseX::Log::Log4perl.
As I already received some valuable feedback by Michael Schilli of Log4perl fame, the interface might change a little (staying backwards compatible) to be easier to use for small projects by using something like with MooseX::Log::Log4perl qw(:easy)
to give you methods for log_error, log_warn, log_debug, … directly on your class instance.
If your interested see the open RT ticket 37655.
This module was actually written as part of my other project called QuikPlan, a course scheduling and management web application.
- Category: Bits & Bytes S-Tags: CPAN, Development, Moose, Perl, Quikplan
- Comments(1)
This really sounds interesting. I will definitely watch your progress on that!