Archive for the 'Bits & Bytes' Category

CRM + open = openCRX

August 9th, 2005

Seems like there is already a opensource alternative for CRM solutions. I plan to build one during the project part of my studies, so better see what’s already there.

OpenCRX is ready for download (at time of writing 1.6.0 is stable) and is based on JBOSS (J2EE) and openMDX. I plan to do a testdrive installation on my server here, where postgres is already running, so I just need to get jboss running and deploy openCRX. Together the downloads are more than 150MB, wow.

Let’s get that theme started

August 8th, 2005

A lot of nice themes are available for wordpress already. But still I’d like to take the chance and design my page.

I’m still lokking into using wordpress also as a simple questionaire page with a mailform at the end of the questionaire. Although it might be simpler to use php/perl directly, it would be more fun tweaking wordpress to do that.

WordPress setup

August 5th, 2005

After some time, mambo was a little too complex for my needs, so i decided to try wordpress.

There are also tons of plugins available, and although not as easy to administer (still fine), it offers everything I need and is very fast compared to mambo (because it’s simpler).

So far so good, let’s see how it works out.

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